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Oriental Shenghua Company Invited Oriental Yuhong Company to Conduct Internal Training And Studying Activity
Release time:2021-04-02      Click:752

To satisfy the requirements of the enterprises strategies and promote diversified business development in the company, on the afternoon of February 1st, 2021, colleagues from Nanjing Branch of Beijing Oriental Yuhong Waterproof Technology LLC.provided business personnel in Shenghua Company with series of training and business communication activities on Oriental Yuhongs waterproof and insulation materials at the invitation. Provincial district manager, city manager, chief technical engineer and market manager from Oriental Yuhong served as the lecturers.

During the meeting, city manager gave an introduction to Oriental Yuhong in aspects including development process, products, fields of application, etc., and also shared with us some classic engineering cases which showed the competitiveness of Oriental Yuhong as a craftsman brand; later the chief technical engineer gave detailed explanation to applications of Oriental Yuhongs waterproof materials of different types respectively in different fields and conducted interactive communication with these colleagues according to problems put forward by them.

This training deepened employees understanding of Oriental Yuhongs brand culture and products and also laid a solid foundation for business development and cooperation with Oriental Yuhong in the future.

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Copyright :Xuzhou Oriental Real Estate Group

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