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Autumn is fruitful in October Agricultural companies devote themselves to depicting beautiful "abundant" scenery
Release time:2023-11-11      Click:111

Recently, agricultural companies make full use of fine weather, race against time, man-machine linkage, speed up the progress of autumn harvest, and there is a bumper harvest in the orchard.

After a year's careful management and hard work, the agricultural company has gained the joy of harvest. It is estimated that more than 80,000 kilograms of interplanted soybeans in the forest will be harvested this autumn; Harvest more than 60,000 kilograms of fresh Bigen fruit. Among them, the yield of Bigen fruit doubled compared with last year.

Because fruit trees do not meet the requirements of mechanical harvesting, manual picking is still adopted this year. Agricultural companies reserve picking workers in advance and allocate them in time according to production needs. The peak of labor is more than 200 people/day, and the fruit harvesting task is successfully completed.

Plant one grain of millet in spring and harvest ten thousand grains in autumn. In this hopeful field, all the staff of the agricultural company will work hard to achieve a greater harvest next year.

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Copyright :Xuzhou Oriental Real Estate Group

Design and production:Winsharing
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