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The Fifth Culinary Skills Competition Held by Gold Coast
Release time:2021-08-09      Click:737

For the improvement of the spirit of craftsmanship and the professional skills, as well as the realization of facilitating the staff to form a team atmosphere of "compare, learn, catch up and surpass", on May 6, Gold Coast Hotel held the fifth culinary skills competition, with a total participators of 20 chefs in this event.

Mr. Jian , the general manager of the group company, took time out of his busy schedule and paid a visit to the competition on person with guidance to the participators. Detailed comments was made by him on the chef's cutting skills, cooking techniques, design and creativity, as well as the four important elements of the dishes, namely, color, aroma, taste and shape.

Following the end of the competition, Mr. Jian made further requirements as follows. On one hand, all employees presented should attach great importance on customers' needs and strain every nerve to meet them, continuously improve the cooking skills, with qualified services provided to the customers. On the other hand, chefs should learn from each other, communicate with each other and exchange insights and experiences, make innovations and creations continuously for better improving the quality of dishes and gaining the reputation. Last but not least, it is of paramount importance to hold various types of skill competitions to provide more opportunities for staff to exchange skills, which is a good and indisputable way to improve skills, find and train more service talents with craftsmanship, as well as enhance the hotel brand.

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Copyright :Xuzhou Oriental Real Estate Group

Design and production:Winsharing
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