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Dijing City Launched the Pruning Activity of Camphor Trees
Release time:2020-11-18      Click:807

In order to further improve and beautify the environment of the community, the Project Department of Dongfang Dijingcheng started pruning the branches of camphor trees on both sides of the main road of the community from October 14th, 2020.

Camphor trees grow vigorously on both sides of the main road in the community, and some branches droop seriously, even affecting the pedestrians’ line of sight. In view of this situation, Dijing City Project Department seriously planned the pruning work.

 On October 14th , garden workers started tree pruning as scheduled. They came to the community early and had all kinds of pruning tools such as ladders, saws, shears and axes. They skillfully climbed the tree, sawed, cut, pruned. After many days of careful repair, camphor trees, slim and graceful like girls, are standing upright on both sides of the road, and guarding the beautiful scenery of the Dijing City. When the owners saw the scene, they all applauded and praised: "in October of golden autumn, these camphor trees add a beautiful scenery to our Dijing City, and we feel that our community has been upgraded to a higher level.".

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