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In October, the land was paved with beauty, and five years of cultivation yielded fruitful results
Release time:2022-11-17      Click:338

In the golden autumn of October, more than 1600 mu of pecans planted by Meilian and Meiao were basically picked from September 23 to October 2. A few late maturing varieties are being picked, and about 30000 jin of fresh pecans are being harvested.

This is a huge improvement on the output of more than 2000 jin last year since the orchard was built in 2018. It has been nearly five years since the establishment of the garden. After the hard work of the staff in the garden, intertillage, weeding, fertilization, pruning, etc., the green root fruit trees have grown from young seedlings to the present average height of 5 meters, the average diameter at breast height of 5 cm, and have yielded many fruits. This will lay a solid foundation for a greater harvest in the future. It is estimated that from this year on, the yield of pecans will increase at the rate of doubling every year until the full fruit period.

"Ten year will grow a tree", we believe that after another five years of growth, when the trees are just growing up, the golden autumn of October of the pecan orchard will be another harvest scene.

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Copyright :Xuzhou Oriental Real Estate Group

Design and production:Winsharing
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