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Strengthen Food Safety Management and Build a Secure Environment for Consumers
Release time:2021-08-09      Click:778

It was on April 26 that Pizhou Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, as well as the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, the Municipal Radio and Television Bureau and other units co-held an event about the monthly event of special action mobilization meeting for promoting the city-wide food safety, food and beverage quality and safety, with the attendance from the city's 205 catering units in charge and 14 grassroots branch of Pizhou Municipal Market Supervision Bureau. Hu Guangmei , General Manager of Gold Coast Hotel was invited to attend and made a statement as the representative of 205 catering units.

Gold Coast Hotel has remained committed to the implementation of the food safety management system in its daily work, with the regular organization of food safety self-inspection, which ensured that it was capable to figure out and reduce, even sweep off all potential food safety hazards, thus to lay a foundation for the construction of a safe and secure consumer environment without food safety accidents.

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Copyright :Xuzhou Oriental Real Estate Group

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