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Gold Coast Hotel launches summer fire safety knowledge training
Release time:2019-03-06      Click:1050

On July 12th, the Golden Coast Hotel held the 2018 “Life First, Safe Development” summer fire safety knowledge training in the ballroom on the first floor of the Golden Coast Hotel. A total of 97 people participated in hotel rooms, catering, kitchen and logistics.

This training invited Zhang Xinguan, Xuzhou City Anmin Fire-fighting Center to give lectures, focusing on the fire, how to extinguish the fire, how to organize personnel escape, the types of fire-fighting equipment, and the live demonstration of the use of fire-fighting equipment such as dry powder fire extinguishers. Through training, employees have further mastered the knowledge of firefighting, evacuation and escape, laying a foundation for the safe operation of the hotel.

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Copyright :Xuzhou Oriental Real Estate Group

Design and production:Winsharing
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