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Longhai company chairman inspection zhaoba housing housing project construction
Release time:2018-06-07      Click:863

龙8 - long8 (国际)唯一官方网站_活动7889

Zhaoba resettlement house is developed by longhai urban and rural development and construction co., LTD. It is a project undertaken by yongcheng company. On the afternoon of March 15th, liu yaomeng, chairman of longhai company, accompanied by wang yuanxin, deputy general manager of dongfang group and general manager of yongcheng company, inspected the construction of the project. After the inspection, liu yaomeng believes that yongcheng company can withstand all kinds of pressure, overcome all kinds of difficulties, actively organize the construction, the project construction progress is fast, highlighting the company's strength and management level. It is hoped that yongcheng company will continue to strengthen the management on the existing construction momentum and make the housing project to a new level.

Wang yuanxin, deputy general manager of the group and general manager of yongcheng, thanked liu yaomeng, chairman of the board of directors, for his affirmation of the project construction and said that he would build the project better and faster with firm confidence.



Copyright :Xuzhou Oriental Real Estate Group

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