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The construction of resettlement houses contracted by the group started officially
Release time:2017-07-13      Click:975

Construction of the first test pile for the zhaoba housing project started on May 27 with the sound of firecrackers.

The resettlement housing project is a popular project of the government, with high requirements and tight schedule. After the group undertook the project, it strengthened its work and pushed forward. Under the overall arrangement of the group leaders, successfully completed all procedures for approval in the early stage; , engineering department, technology department, materials and other departments, with solid professional technology and rich experience in construction management, overcomes one difficulty, in less than ten days, quickly completed the field rescue, geological exploration, research, procurement of piles, pile machine external coordination, etc, to ensure the project to start on time.

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Copyright :Xuzhou Oriental Real Estate Group

Design and production:Winsharing
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