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The group organizes staff red Tours
Release time:2017-05-23      Click:992

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In the middle of March 2017, the group organized more than 70 employees to travel in two groups to the revolutionary holy land jinggangshan for red tourism. The tour combined the red cultural landscape and green natural landscape, which not only enabled the staff to understand the history of the revolutionary struggle of jinggangshan, received the education of the red revolution, but also enjoyed the beautiful scenery of jinggangshan and relaxed their body and mind. This is also a beneficial exploration of the group's staff education work.

After arriving at jinggangshan, we visited the site of the huangyangjie war, the octagonal tower where MAO zedong used to live in tsiming, the memorial hall of revolutionary martyrs in jinggangshan, the jinggangshan revolution museum, the panoramic picture of the struggle in jinggangshan, and watched a large live performance of jinggangshan. The red education was held in the room, such as the opening of classes and the awarding of flags, the lectures given by famous professors and scholars in jinggangshan, and the interactive discussions with the descendants of the red army. Although only a short period of four days, but the soul by impact, body and mind baptism, spiritual sublimation. We truly felt the heroic spirit of our revolutionary ancestors, who did not hesitate to sacrifice their lives and shed their blood in spite of difficulties and dangers, and also experienced the hard-won life today.

After the end of the jinggangshan red brigade, we have said that we must bear in mind the revolutionary spirit of jinggangshan, carry forward the glorious tradition of the older generation of revolutionaries, pragmatic, down-to-earth to do their jobs, for the group and our own better tomorrow and work hard.

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