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Dongfang mingjun project 2015 annual board of directors meeting was held
Release time:2016-11-23      Click:1014


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On January 20, the 2015 board of directors of dongfang mingjun project was held in the meeting room on the second floor of mingjun. Liu guomin, chairman of the group, jianhui, general manager of the group, liu lei, general manager of dongfang mingjun project, xiang tianhua, deputy general manager, some shareholders and supervisors of the company attended the meeting. At the meeting, the project manager of dongfang mingjun made a work report, comprehensively summarized the achievements of last year, and elaborated the future work goals and development vision. The board of directors reviewed the work summary and financial budget and final accounts of the company's management team in 2015, and shareholders unanimously recognized the quality, good business performance and future development prospect of dongfang mingjun project.

Commend group general manager hui at the meeting, the running state of the future market prospects and marketing strategy planning and layout are profoundly analyzed in detail, and points out that foreign competitors, the strength of the electronics industry development were severe test in our company's management ability, request the company should be carrying out all measures vigorously in 2016, since 2015, continue to maintain a good momentum of development.

During the meeting, liu lei, general manager of the project, answered the questions raised by some shareholders on the development of the project, and said that the company's management would continue to improve the level of corporate governance and management ability, and strive to achieve the development goals set this year.

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Copyright :Xuzhou Oriental Real Estate Group

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