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The group holds meetings for cadres at or above the vice-ministerial level
Release time:2016-11-23      Click:995

On October 8, the group company held a meeting of cadres at or above the vice-ministerial level in the conference room on the 11th floor of Orient international trade co., LTD., and required the heads of all departments and units to seriously summarize the work of the first three quarters, find out the gap, take measures, focus on the implementation of various work in the fourth quarter, and comprehensively complete the target tasks of the whole year. Chairman liu guomin attended the meeting and made important instructions, general manager jianhui presided over the meeting.

Chairman of the board pointed out in his speech, from the current situation, some units in the first three quarters of the schedule can be in accordance with the completion or over-completion of the task, but some units did not complete the task by the time node, individual units to complete the task is poor. If the task cannot be completed by the end of the year, it will be difficult to explain to the top and the bottom, which will affect the realization of the overall goal of the group and the interests of the employees. Organizations that want to miss a deadline need to identify gaps, take action, sprint, and catch up. Chairman of the board of directors, the Internet + traditional industries to do a good job. Each unit leader must realize to arrive to this, take the lead to organize to carry out. Already used the unit of Internet also is preliminary, think seriously even, to deepness research and development and application. The chairman stressed that we should continue to build a learning enterprise, an honest enterprise and an excellent team. To be responsible for the development of enterprises, responsible for the cause of the attitude, strengthen learning, honest and trustworthy, bring out a good team, always keep pace with The Times, innovative and enterprising spirit. In times of crisis, we should constantly improve our thinking and ability, dare to accept new challenges, and promote the leapfrog development of all undertakings of the group company. The chairman also put forward requirements for the fourth quarter's key work: first, the second phase of the dongfang mingjun project planning and design scheme should be implemented as soon as possible, and strive to start construction as soon as possible; The second is to accelerate the implementation of the dongfang mingjun commercial street investment work; Third, it is necessary to communicate with the government effectively and follow up the demolition work of the fifth phase of the eastern dijing city. Fourth, how to do the business part of the Orient international trade as soon as possible to come up with a feasible plan; Fifth, the promotion of property company services, as soon as possible to achieve a full range of quality services.

General manager jianhui put forward requirements on implementing the important speech of the chairman, and stressed three issues to the participants: first, the value orientation. Different values and ways of thinking lead to different behaviors and results. Accordingly, hope cadre employee should have correct value orientation. We need to be consistent in our work. No matter how bad we are, we should not be excused for doing a bad job. The other is marketing. At present, the marketing team strong, real estate sales results need to be further expanded. The next stage of marketing ideas to change, to continue to innovate mode, optimize the allocation of marketing team; Third, excellent team building. The key to building an excellent team lies in the leader. As the saying goes, "the first thing you need to do is to make yourself strong! As a team leader, first, to strictly abide by the rules; Second, to have a professional level; Third, must have the lofty moral sentiment; Fourth, we should have the attitude of doing our best work.

At the meeting, the person in charge of each department made a statement. Vice general managers wang jibai and wang yuanxin attended the meeting.

Next:Dongfang mingjun project 2015 annual board of directors meeting was held
Last:The engineering department conducted the quality assessment of dongfang mingjun phase ii


Copyright :Xuzhou Oriental Real Estate Group

Design and production:Winsharing
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