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Strengthen time management and enhance work execution
Release time:2016-11-23      Click:1036

In order to strengthen the construction of corporate culture and improve work efficiency, on the afternoon of September 30, the group company held the training of "time management and work efficiency improvement" in the multi-functional hall on the first floor of gold coast hotel. Group chairman liu guomin and general manager jianhui came to the training site to learn and communicate with the employees. A total of 170 employees from each subsidiary participated in the training.

Professor wang ziqiao, President of Peking University and tsinghua university, was invited to give lectures on six aspects: the concept of time management, time management mistakes, time management principles, time application and sharing, management of target plan, and other ways to save time. Help staff to solve the problem of time management by grouping, asking questions, discussing and so on. In class, we listened carefully, actively interactive sharing feelings, have said benefit.

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