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The group company organizes the year-end inspection of archive management
Release time:2023-01-08      Click:309

According to the assessment task of archive management issued at the beginning of the year, in order to fully understand the implementation of the archive management of each unit, the archive management leading group carried out year-end inspection on the archive management of each branch and department from November 24 to November 25.

This inspection found that, except for some details of file management of individual departments and offices that need to be improved, the file management of other units has basically met the group's file management standards and can effectively implement the group's file management regulations. As of December, the Group Company has organized and carried out 4 archives management inspections in this year. After the previous inspections, they have made a detailed summary of the situation of each unit, so as to promote the continuous progress of the archives management of each unit.

In 2022, under the correct leadership and strong support of the leaders of the Group Company, with the joint efforts of the colleagues in charge of archive management in all units, the level of archive management has been significantly improved, and the construction of the archive management system has been steadily improved. Next, the archives management work of the Group will be further summarized and improved, and the existing level of archives management will be continuously improved to make progress while maintaining stability and continue to accelerate the pace of the construction of the archives management system of the Group. This will make the archives management of the group company more standardized, systematic and scientific, and serve the healthy development of the group company.

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Copyright :Xuzhou Oriental Real Estate Group

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