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Oriental group organized the youth training class to carry out the mengshan outreach training activities
Release time:2017-11-28      Click:945

On October 21st, solstice 22nd, Oriental group organized the youth training class to carry out the two-day extended training activity in mengshan, shandong province. With the theme of "enhancing the vitality and passion of employees", the purpose of this outward bound training is to learn the spirit of general secretary xi's report of the 19th CPC national congress, strengthen teamwork and build up a sense of responsibility.

28 employees of the group's youth training class participated in the outward bound. During the period, each employee was full of passion, courageously, successfully completed a variety of challenges.

Through this training, the staff not only get the training, but also get close to the nature, feel the beauty of yimeng green mountains and rivers, and release their minds. At the same time, the communication and coordination ability of the team was further enhanced, and the sense of responsibility of everyone was significantly improved.

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