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Strengthening safety management work for Dongfang Mingjun and Zhaoba resettlement housing projects
Release time:2019-03-06      Click:1138

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On August 15th, after the city's construction safety production work conference was held, the Dongfang Mingjun project and the Zhaoba resettlement housing project were implemented in a timely manner.

They organized relevant personnel to seriously study the important speeches of Liu Ruqi and the head of the Housing and Construction Bureau of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and based on the principles of safety first, prevention first and comprehensive management, consolidate the safety foundation, refine safety responsibilities, and further strengthen construction safety management. On the one hand, according to the safety production operation rules, in-depth investigation of hidden dangers on the construction site; on the other hand, in order to identify the loopholes, strengthen the rectification measures; focus on the safety hazards in place to ensure safe construction without accidents.

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Copyright :Xuzhou Oriental Real Estate Group

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