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Mayor Cao of Pizhou Led A delegation to Zhaoba Placement to Hold An On-site Observation Meeting
Release time:2021-06-04      Click:803

At 15:00 p.m. on March 11, Mayor Cao of Pizhou City led a delegation to Zhaoba Placement to hold an on-site observation meeting to give relevant guidance to people's livelihood placement, home care services, property services, etc.

Zhaoba Placement Project is a large-scale livelihood project in Pizhou City, which is related to the moving-back of more than 1000 households. Zhang Tao, the Project Manager, arranged professionals to give a detailed introduction to the planning, greening construction, supporting facilities, property services, etc. of the community.

"We should transform our community into a big family, and introduce convenient services, cultural homelands, Party and masses services into the community, so that the basic living that residents need can find a place in the community." Mayor Cao spoke highly of the meeting.

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