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Let the children climb their peak!
Release time:2019-03-06      Click:1043

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Pizhou Boyuan Parent-child Garden is the main business store of the Oriental Mingjun County Neighborhood Center flagship store base. It opened in March 2018! The park is located on the second floor of the Oriental County Neighborhood Center in Pizhou, with a building area of 2,200 square meters and an outdoor parent-child farm of about 6,000 square meters. It is the largest parent-child education amusement park in Xuzhou.

Boyuan Parent-child Garden adheres to the educational philosophy of “Let the children climb their peak” and provides comprehensive and high-quality education and services for children aged 0-6. With the aim of developing children's potential, and based on the family's happiness and harmony, we will establish two different teaching environments, indoor and outdoor, based on the combination of dynamic and static training courses to help parents solve their children's problems more scientifically and effectively during growth, learning. Through the unique curriculum system, it conforms to the nature of the baby and stimulates the potential of the baby, which is highly praised by the parents.

Last:The Oriental County Marketing Department promotes the EAS project to accelerate the use of the marketing system.


Copyright :Xuzhou Oriental Real Estate Group

Design and production:Winsharing
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