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API school group supported xinshanhe primary school in API town by donating money to build a road
Release time:2017-09-15      Click:925

In front of the main gate of xinshanhe primary school in API town, there was a dirt road. On July 20, 2017, leaders of the group donated a special fund of 30,000 yuan to the school to build a concrete road in front of the school.

After the school received the donation, the President was very grateful and came to the group company to express his thanks. Jianhui, the general manager, told him that being enthusiastic about public welfare and carrying forward the traditional virtues of benevolence and benevolence have always been the practices of Oriental group and an important part of its corporate culture. In the future, Oriental group will continue to do a good job in public welfare and make more contributions to education.

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Copyright :Xuzhou Oriental Real Estate Group

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