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Pizhou New Union Association was established, and Liu Lei, deputy general manager of the group, was elected as vice president.
Release time:2019-03-19      Click:1143

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On the morning of December 26th, the first meeting and inaugural meeting of the new social class people's federation of Pizhou City was held in the conference room of Yifu Building of the city's secondary professional school. Wu Bin, executive deputy director of the United Front Work Department of Xuzhou Municipal Committee, attended the meeting and congratulated. Tang Hong, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and the deputy mayor of the Municipal Party Committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. The members of the Municipal New Alliance Association and the responsible comrades of the township (street, district) united front departments totaled more than 120 people. Participated in the meeting.

The General committee reviewed and approved the relevant normative documents such as the New Association's Articles of Association, the Member's Integrity and Self-discipline Convention, and elected the leadership of the first session of the New Council. Xu Xiqiang, chairman of Xuzhou Tianhong Group, was elected as president, and Liu Lei, deputy general manager of Xuzhou Dongfang Real Estate Group Co., Ltd., was elected as vice president.

At the meeting, Liu Lei said that he resolutely obeyed the unified leadership of the municipal party committee and municipal government, and consciously maintained a high degree of unity in the ideological, political, and operational aspects with the Party Central Committee; Further promote high-quality development; take reform and innovation as the driving force for development, further develop talents, work together, and innovate to make a more positive contribution to promoting the high-quality development of economic and social development in Pizhou.

There are 105 members of the first session of the Association of New Social Strata People in Pizhou City, and 35 elected members.

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